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Snapshot of 2024-25 State & Territory Budget changes and other updates

With the exception of Tasmania, all Australian States and Territories have now delivered their Budgets for 2024-25. The first half of the 2024 calendar year has been a busy one in the world of State and Territory taxes, partly due to many measures associated with their budgets for 2024-25. The Budgets contain announcements regarding changes […]

Exposure Draft Legislation for Pillar Two

On 21 March 2024, draft legislation was released to implement the new Pillar 2 (or ‘GloBE’) rules (the Rules). The draft legislation will introduce a new tax regime and new compliance for multinational (MNE) groups that have an Australian presence and consolidated global revenue of Euro 750 million annually. The intention is to ensure that […]

Key tax considerations for this 30 June

As the financial year draws to a close, it is time to start thinking about whether your year-end tax planning is in order. Tax planning requires consideration of income and deductions for the year as well as whether compliance requirements have been met (e.g. appropriate elections have been made on a timely basis and other […]

Trust distributions – critical year-end considerations for trustees

Both the ATO and the Courts have confirmed that it is critically important that trustees properly consider which beneficiaries should receive distributions and how those distribution entitlements are satisfied. These developments highlight that trustees cannot be passive in their trust distribution decisions. It is therefore important that trustees take these developments into account when exercising […]

Year End Tax Planning 2024

It’s almost the end of the financial year. And we all know what that means – it’s time to start getting your year-end tax planning in order. Our expert Greg Nielsen from Pitcher Partners Melbourne will help you cover all your income tax bases in our latest year-end tax planning webinar. In this webinar, he […]

Superannuation contribution limits increasing

Super contribution limits Due to indexation arrangements, superannuation contribution limits are set to increase from 1 July 2024. Please refer to the information below for further details. Concessional and non-concessional contribution limits The concessional contribution limit will increase from $27,500 to $30,000 from 1 July 2024. As the non-concessional contribution limit is set at four […]

Expansion of Vacant Residential Land Tax to all Victoria – act now

If you own a vacant residential property in Victoria, you could have a Vacant Residential Land Tax (VRLT) liability in respect of that property from next year onwards.  The VRLT is an annual tax imposed on residential property which is deemed to be ‘vacant’. The tax applies in addition to standard land tax and is […]

Benjamin Scannell

Professional background With an impressive 17-year tenure at the firm, Benjamin has expertly advised clients across a broad range of industries. His speciality lies within the property and construction industry, and he has an impressive 15 year track record supporting large property development groups, in particular with respect to large scale broad acre developments and […]

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