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COVID-19: Making the best out of a bad situation

At the end of 2019, following the phase one trade deal between the United States and China, markets continued their near decade long ascendancy with renewed enthusiasm. The rally rapidly began to lose momentum around February 21 when it became clear that the coronavirus known as COVID-19 was not going to be contained within China […]

Sydney Wealth Management Update Summer 2019

Welcome to our Sydney Wealth Management team’s 2019 Summer Wealth Management Update. This edition covers the following topics: Super strategies, applying the unused concessional contribution caps, understanding bonds and an introduction to ethical investing.

Proposed abolition of franking credit refunds: A deep dive

The Labor Party is proposing to abolish franking credit refunds. Why are the changes being proposed? How will this impact investment portfolios? What is the potential loss from the abolition of franking credits? We answer these questions and more below.

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