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Webinar: Expanding your business to the USA

Our cross-border tax experts Terry Hoban and Ellen Fimmano discuss some of the practical challenges and important considerations that arise for organisations, their employees, and owners expanding into the USA, including: Cross-border entity structuring & tax considerations Employee payroll & HR set-up Equity plans, pensions, and employee benefits Individual tax planning for Australian executives relocating […]

Webinar: New Pillar Two Rules coming into effect

The Pillar Two rules will impose a minimum tax rate of 15% on multinational groups in the jurisdictions in which they operate. To achieve this, the rules are introducing three new tax returns and increasing transparency as they seek to raise the stakes of multinational group compliance. In this webinar, Pitcher Partners Sydney Elizabeth Jools […]

Webinar: UK Inheritance Tax (IHT) Exposure – New Government, new rules

Pitcher Partners Sydney hosted a live webinar that helped attendees understand the key proposed tax changes likely to affect individuals and families with ties to both the UK and Australia. This webinar addressed whether the new changes would require attendees to plan differently for possible inheritance tax exposure. More specifically, our speaker Private Business and […]

Decoding your 2024 land tax assessment notice

Land tax assessment notices for the 2024 land tax year are in the process of being issued by the State Revenue Office of Victoria. A number of land tax changes have been introduced commencing from 1 January 2024, including increases to land tax and absentee (foreign) surcharge rates. You can read more about the changes […]

Rental crisis demanding a radical rethink

Planning reform, a tax shakeup and incentives for developers are needed to revive apartment development and ease Victoria’s rental crisis, according to property experts at Pitcher Partners. Severe shortages of apartments in Victoria are heaping pressure on affordability, with rental values rising 17.7 per cent year on year to reach $526 per week, according to […]

An Airbnb tax is not the answer to the rental crisis

A promised housing package from the Victorian Government could see a range of changes to short stay accommodation . A debated ‘Airbnb tax’ is just one, imposing levies and yearly caps on short stay property use . Reducing some land taxes and other fees could encourage landowners to make vacant dwellings available for longer term rent.

Compliance Committee Forum 2023

Pitcher Partners and McMahon Clarke, together with the Melbourne and Sydney Compliance Groups, held a Compliance Committee Forum Webinar for a briefing on the latest issues for financial services.

Victorian State Budget 2023-24: Stamp duty to be abolished on commercial and industrial properties

Today’s 2023-24 State Budget saw the Treasurer announce a significant reform to Victoria’s duty regime, with duty on commercial and industrial properties to be replaced over time with an annual property tax.
The finer details of the new regime are unlikely to be known for some months as we understand the Government intends to consult with industry before introducing the relevant legislation into Parliament. However, based on the Government’s media release we understand the change will involve:

Abolishing stamp duty: Housing affordability at the expense of long-term strategy?

As part of a plan to create more affordable homes and slow the growth of the city’s urban fringe, abolishing stamp duty could improve accessibility to the housing market. However, the state has become increasingly reliant on property taxes including stamp duty, which now account for more than 40% of state revenue. The other main property tax in the state’s revenue base is land tax, with many landowners experiencing staggering increases in their land tax, between 25% and 150% in some cases this year.

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