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Prepare now for the next phase of COVID investing

The pandemic has been an accelerant on many fronts – the end of the growth of globalisation, the rapidly greater use of technology and significant changes in our working patterns and consumer behaviour. For investors, it has also shaken up the way we are investing now and will in the future.There are three distinct periods in which investors have and will need to make important decisions about the composition of their portfolios

Getting ready for a post-pandemic investment portfolio

This article originally appeared in The Australian on 1 June 2020 How do we invest and construct portfolios in a post-COVID world? At a high level the answer is easy – we should construct portfolios, because of the high level of uncertainty, with equal weight on profit and on protection. But what exactly does that mean? What […]

We need to talk some common sense about super

This article originally appeared on Advisor Voice on 29 April 2020 Economic pain has been on the horizon for some time now, but no one wins in a race to the bottom. There’s no doubt that the remainder of 2020 is going to be particularly tough for Australian businesses and their employees. Until earlier this year, […]

It’s time to kick the obsession with dividends

This article originally appeared in The Australian on 1 May 2020 For taxable investment port­folios, realised losses create an opportunity to generate offsetting gains. High on the worry list for investors and prominent in the news this week is the issue of dividend cuts and whether investors can still meet their income targets. National Australia […]

Sharemarket sectors can rebound from crisis

This article originally appeared in The Australian on 10 April 2020. I must confess to numerous weeks now of palpable relief on Saturday mornings when all international markets finally stop trading to allow those of us working in financial advice some respite for the digestion of the week’s events and for reflection on the likely next direction […]

Sharemarket sectors can rebound from crisis

I must confess to numerous weeks now of palpable relief on Saturday mornings when all international markets finally stop trading to allow those of us working in financial advice some respite for the digestion of the week’s events and for reflection on the likely next direction of markets. This article originally appeared in The Australian on 10 […]

Keep calm and expect surprises

We are not at the gates of hell. But be prepared to abandon the idea of non-volatile investment portfolios because, in a zero interest rate world, in which most investors have been forced to invest largely outside of cash, there is little of any portfolio selection that remains risk-free. And that’s unlikely to change any time soon.

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