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Are Central Banks Leading Us To A Recession?

Pitcher Partners Investment Services (Melbourne) | The information in this article is current as at 7 July 2022. Halfway through 2022, we are seemingly a far cry from the optimistic growth outlook that was shared at the turn of this year. Expectations of growth rates two to three times historical averages have given sway to […]

Investment Markets In Review

Pitcher Partners Investment Services (Melbourne) | The information in this article is current as at 7 July 2022. The June quarter witnessed a significant re-pricing of financial assets, as persistently high inflation pushed investors to price in further interest rate rises and an increased risk of recession in the U.S. Investors are currently facing a […]

Investment Outlook – Clouds Are Hovering

The rosy outlook for the global economy that was held by many at the turn of the year is beginning to darken. The global economy is now confronting a confluence of issues which have the potential to slow global activity and could spur further inflationary pressures. In following on from our note “Russian Invasion Of […]

Investment radar | In conversation with Tim King

As we see increasing interest in responsible investing and some formalised standards in the making thanks to the International Sustainability Standards Board, businesses need to understand what they are getting into. In this video you’ll hear from Morten Frederiksen, Senior Investment Analyst with Pitcher Partners Melbourne, and Tim King, CIO of Melior Investment Management, as […]

Inflation – where do we stand?

The recent surge in energy prices amid shortages particularly in areas of Europe and China, coupled with ongoing supply chain disruptions, have refuelled the debate around the likely persistence of the inflationary pressures currently being experienced around the globe. For many of us, this issue is a relatively unusual environment. In looking back over time […]

The 60/40 investment portfolio was right centuries ago, and still is now

For many decades the default investment portfolio was a 60/40 split – this was seen as the ideal blend of growth and defensive investments for most investors most of the time. Generally, it translated to mean 60 per cent stocks and 40 per cent bonds. The growth characteristics of stocks would reward investors over time […]

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