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Making money in an EV world

The Dealership world is currently sitting on the precipice of a monumental change from which there is no known white knight. The solution to the problem exists, but it requires the dealers to take the initiative and kill a major sacred cow in the process.

Motor industry insights: Starting the sale journey

Given the events of 2020 and with the future remaining uncertain, it is clear that the next 5 years will involve more pressure, requirements and opportunities, forcing many dealers to abruptly leave the industry. The question dealers need to ask – “is this the same case for me?”

Alan Max

Alan advises private and listed companies on their corporate transactions. With a demonstrable track record, Alan conducts valuations, provides corporate and strategic value advice, and serves as an independent expert. Alan undertakes valuations of businesses, intangible assets, employee equity and complex instruments. His valuation reports allow stakeholders to make informed decisions about corporate transactions and […]

Helping your business in uncertain times

You have managed to stabilise your business, you can finally lift your head above the sand. But what is next? Is your business set up to take advantage of any growth opportunities? Are you focused on the right customers and segments with appropriate capability? Or are you taking a scatter-gun approach to survival?

Project management fundamentals for times of crisis

The impacts of COVID-19 require businesses to rapidly implement business-critical projects to retain and re-purpose their most valuable assets and secure the commercial viability of their business. As businesses respond to the dynamic landscape, the suitability of projects must be assessed quickly, and potential risks identified, understood and mitigated.

E-signing: A change you’ll want to keep post-COVID

With many people working from home over the last couple of months, the processes we never thought twice about in the office have had to be adapted to ensure business keeps running smoothly. Document signing, a process which many companies still do physically, has had to be adapted as people work remotely. Thankfully, e-signing programs […]

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