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Why business remains optimistic despite economic headwinds

Consumer sentiment remains in the doldrums, yet the latest feedback from the mid-market business community is that they remain broadly optimistic for the future. Newly updated ANZ-Roy Morgan consumer sentiment data shows 53% of respondents say their family is worse off now than they were 12 months ago, while just 8% are anticipating ‘good times’ […]

Scope 3 emissions: Building a resilient supply chain doesn’t happen overnight

The August profit reporting season was fruitful for Coles Group, which recorded a surge in revenue to post an annual profit to $1.1 billion, a 4.8% rise from the previous year. But the supermarket and retail giant also made another statement in August that was much less reported – its Scope 3 emissions supplier engagement target. It was a significant move by Coles, who stated they intend to set sustainability targets with at least 75 per cent of its suppliers over the next four years.

Rental crisis demanding a radical rethink

Planning reform, a tax shakeup and incentives for developers are needed to revive apartment development and ease Victoria’s rental crisis, according to property experts at Pitcher Partners. Severe shortages of apartments in Victoria are heaping pressure on affordability, with rental values rising 17.7 per cent year on year to reach $526 per week, according to […]

How to create a strong Employee Value Proposition

Creating a strong Employee Value Proposition (EVP) should be a core focus for business leaders and owners. People aren’t as interested in climbing a ’career ladder’, instead opting to move around a ‘career lattice’ that offers a wide breadth of experiences. Building a strong EVP will start with understanding and listening to your people.

How can hospitality businesses use artificial intelligence effectively

Some hospitality businesses are already using Artificial Intelligence or AI. Not all are using it effectively or to its full potential. AI has exploded into our lives and is here to stay, thanks to services such as ChatGPT. All businesses, including hospitality, will be embracing AI to stay ahead of their competitors and retain and grow customers or members.

Using social recruitment to attract top talent and achieve your recruitment strategy

Key points Social recruitment involves strategically using your online and offline channels to attract more applicants for each role and have a better chance of attracting and retaining top talent. Candidates are more informed than ever due to the amount of information available online. Building a strong presence online requires ongoing commitment across your organisation, […]

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