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Reminder: Changes to impairment testing rules for not-for-profits

Since 1 January 2017, not-for-profit (NFP) entities have been required to determine the recoverable amounts of non-cash-generating assets by reference to the asset’s current replacement cost (as a measure of fair value under the current requirements of AASB 13: Fair Value Measurement) rather than the asset’s depreciated replacement cost (as a measure of value in use under the previous requirements of AASB 136: Impairment of Assets).

Contract Costs and AASB 15 revenue from contracts with customers

In our July 2015 newsletter we provided a high level overview of the new revenue recognition standard AASB 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers. In this month’s newsletter we look more closely at the treatment of incremental costs of obtaining a customer contract under the new revenue standard. 1.    Costs of Obtaining Contracts with Customers […]

Accounting for share-based payments

In this month’s newsletter, we discuss the financial reporting by an entity when it undertakes a share-based payment transaction. The newsletter addresses why AASB 2 Share-based Payment exists in the first place, the scope of AASB 2, as well as some practical examples of the accounting treatment of cash-settled and equity settled share-based payments. 1.    Why does […]

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