
Pitcher Partners is an association of independent firms located in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and Newcastle. This website Privacy Statement applies to the Pitcher Partners association of independent firms and all related entities of each firm. Pitcher Partners complies with the Privacy Act 1988 and is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles.
Our Privacy Policy outlines how we manage your personal information and provides some guidance on the personal information held and the purpose for and the manner in which we collect, hold, maintain, use and disclose this information.
For more information refer to the Pitcher Partners Privacy Policy.
If you have questions or comments about our Privacy Policy or you would like to access or correct your personal information, or make a complaint about Pitcher Partners handling of your personal information, please do not hesitate to contact our Privacy Officer at:
The Privacy Officer
Pitcher Partners
GPO Box 5193
Melbourne VIC 3001
T: (03) 8610 5363
F: (03) 8610 5820
Your enquiry may be directed to the Privacy Officer of the relevant firm within the Pitcher Partners association that services your needs.