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Featured article: Australia - Supporting the EV revolution

As the value of Australia’s thermal coal exports wind down over time, the growing demand for lithium production will likely become an important export earnings substitute.

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Melbourne investment news
October 2023 newsletter

This edition covers the following topics:

Investment Markets in Review

The third quarter ended weaker, despite a promising start to markets in July, as central banks began re-affirming their commitment to combatting inflationary pressures.

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Australia – Supporting the EV revolution

As the value of Australia’s thermal coal exports wind down over time, the growing demand for lithium production will likely become an important export earnings substitute.

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Active Management – Cutting Through the Noise

We take a deep look at what the actual performance data tells us about how active managed funds have performed in Australia and discuss what approaches or considerations can help to improve your chances of generating long term outperformance through actively managed products.

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Navigating the Peaks: Bonds vs. Cash in a Monetary Cycle

In this article, we will delve into the role and benefits of allocating to bonds compared to cash during these peak times.

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Beyond Borders: Navigating Emerging Markets Through Developed Markets

In the evolving landscape of global investments, investors seeking double-digit growth outside of the surging MANGMA  (Microsoft, Amazon, Nvidia, Google, Meta, Apple) stocks this year, may find themselves turning to emerging markets.

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The information in these articles is current as at 01 October 2023
July 2023 newsletter

This edition covers the following topics:

Investment markets in review – FY2023

Slowdown, what slowdown? In taking an initial glance at the performance for equity markets for the 2023 financial year, one could easily interpret that investors have seemingly shrugged off any recessionary/slowing growth concerns around the world.

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Macquarie Group – green with envy 

With the recent loss of two key utility stocks on the ASX (Spark Infrastructure in December 2021 & AusNet Services in February 2022), direct Australian equity investors have less choice in gaining exposure to the growing opportunity created by the energy transition thematic 

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Artificial Intelligence – lessons from past transformations

The announcement and launch of ChatGPT in November 2022 was a seminal moment. The launch of the Large Language Model (LLM) brought artificial intelligence (AI) into our everyday lives.

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Royalty Financing – An Introduction

This quarter we turn our attention to royalty financing, an investment strategy which has the potential to generate attractive, unique and resilient performance over time.

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The information in these articles is current as at 07 July 2023
April 2023 newsletter

This edition covers the following topics: 

Investment Markets In Review 

Despite growing recession risks, most asset classes rallied strongly over the March quarter although the headline performance numbers masked some considerable volatility intra-quarter, especially within fixed income markets. 

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Carbon Capture and Storage – a solution supporting the energy transition 

For a growing number of investors, understanding how a company proposes to manage its carbon neutral strategy is a very important consideration in identifying an investment opportunity.

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An Introduction to Managed Futures 

The Alternatives asset class covers an immense array of different strategies, markets and investment approaches, including the managed futures sector which can provide investors with the ability to generate superior risk adjusted returns, in a liquid and low correlated manner with traditional asset classes.   

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The information in these articles is current as at 5 April 2023. 
December 2022 newsletter

Pitcher Partners Investment Services – Markets in review Q3

Whilst markets are staging a rally late into the year, 2022 has undeniably been a challenging year for investors. Inflation has proved to be far more pervasive and stickier than what central banks believed less than 12 months ago, forcing many central banks to dramatically increase interest rates to try and address these pricing pressures.

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The information in these articles are current as at 16 December 2022.
October 2022 newsletter

This edition covers the following topics:

Investment markets in review – Q3

Despite a positive start to the quarter, many global equity and bond markets closed Q3 in negative territory. Many central banks including the Federal Reserve and the RBA lifted interest rates aggressively over the period, signalling further rate hikes to combat stubborn inflationary pressures, which remained at multi-decade highs – dashing many investor hopes of having already reached ‘peak inflation’.

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The bifurcation of office markets

There has been much written, and the debate continues on the long-term impact of the working from home (WFH) phenomenon. However, the office market is also experiencing another force of structural change that is leading to a two-tier market.

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Navigating the global Supply chain bottlenecks

The advent of the Covid-19 pandemic highlighted a major fragility in global supply chains, with scarcity of key products like personal protective equipment, such as facemasks and gloves, and basic amenities such as toilet paper became hard to source.

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The information in these articles are current as at 10 October 2022.
Melbourne Investment services

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Kellie Davidson

Kellie Davidson



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