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Year-end contributions and concessions

This article originally appeared in The Australian 10 April 2021. With the financial year-end fast approaching, there is still time to take advantage of the various superannuation contribution strategies and concessions that are available. This paper comprises a brief summary of these strategies and concessions. 1. Personal tax-deductible contributions Concessional contributions cap is $25,000 for […]

Australian Taxation Office: Commercial deals ATO TV

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) team visited our Melbourne firm to meet with Stuart Dall, Partner and film a snippet for ATO TV on their Commercial Deals program. Where appropriate, the program allows Pitcher Partners to better support our clients undertaking commercial deals or business restructures, by having real time engagement with the ATO. “…the […]

Aged care must rebuild trust from the valley of funding uncertainty

This article originally published in Inside Ageing on 11 March 2021. Public confidence in the aged care sector has been damaged by the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, as horrific stories emerged about the neglect that residents suffered in residential aged care. Tarred with the same brush, aged care providers must consider […]

Lockdown proof your business: Staying agile in uncertain times

This article originally published in Inside Small Business on 10 March 2021. The Australian Industry Group estimates the snap five-day lockdown cost Victoria’s economy more than $2.3 billion in lost or postponed household spending. Coming as it did across Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year, horror stories were plentiful. Florists called for compensation from the […]

Australia is leading the world as the location for M&A opportunities

This article originally published in Smart Company on 9 February 2021. There’s nothing like a crisis to focus the mind. Back in the wake of the global financial crisis, businesses looking to sell quickly realised they had to meet the market. Deal multiples — the ratio of enterprise value divided by EBITDA — fell sharply, […]

Productivity and the future of workplaces leads legal sector focus

Pitcher Partners has released its annual legal firm survey, which focuses on the impact of COVID-19 on legal firms, their staff and businesses. Key findings: A focus on flexibility and connection will be key for employee wellbeing in 2021 Employment will remain steady, with some slight growth Managing productivity will be a key challenge moving […]

Mid-market to provide impetus for rebound in 2021 M&A levels

The hunger for M&A has returned and investors in Australia anticipate a promising year ahead. Australia’s economic recovery will be faster and stronger than competitor markets in Asia Pacific and some even think M&A volumes will return to or exceed pre-pandemic levels within the next 12 months. The 7th annual Dealmakers report from Pitcher Partners, […]

Finding balance in the family business

It is generally understood that a career will come with a range of strategic and emotional considerations. Do you get on with your boss and your co-workers? Do you have job satisfaction? Do you feel supported in your career progression? These questions gain an added level of complexity when it comes to family businesses. Family […]

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