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3 ways to “lockdown-proof” your supply and distribution channels

It’s been 18 months since the first news of COVID in China sent shudders through world economies, and the reaction of some Australian businesses still ranges from hopeful to head in the sand. For businesses based around the sale of goods, the fragility of retail supply and distribution channels has been laid bare. They are […]

Women pay a price for ignoring their finances

This article appeared in The Weekend Australian 19 June 2021. Women need to have control over the key financial decisions in their lives. Women and men should have zero tolerance for financial advisers who don’t work with them equally. Yet a recent UBS report (Building bridges, breaking barriers) revealed that half of married women defer […]

Pitcher Partners strong as top financial advisers

The coveted Australia’s Top 100 financial advisers list released today, has named five Pitcher Partners wealth advisers, following a strong presence on The Australian-Barron’s list over the past four years including two number one positions. National Chairman of the Pitcher Partners Association John Brazzale congratulated Charlie Viola from Pitcher Partners Sydney, Adam Stanley, Sue Dahn […]

Room for nuanced outlook on taxation

Article originally published in the Financial Review 11 June 2021 John Kehoe’s article suggesting that Labor should pledge to reduce the capital gains tax discount to fund cuts in personal income tax rates for middle-income earners raises some valid arguments. He’s not wrong that using what would be a CGT hike to fund personal tax cuts […]

Super changes broaden the options for windfall contributions

Article originally appeared in FS Advice The superannuation system is based on the notion that you can build up your nest egg steadily through the course of your working life, but that’s not always the case. Breaks from the workforce, a lack of disposable funds to top-up compulsory contributions, or just a lack of retirement planning […]

Adam Irwin, podcast: Talking Numbers with Paul Jansz

Adam Irwin, speaking on Talking Numbers with Paul Jansz Welcome to Talking Numbers with Paul Jansz. In this episode, we share our conversation with Adam Irwin, the Chief Operating Officer and Partner of Pitcher Partners Sydney, one of the largest accounting and business advisory firms in Australia.  

Craig Whatman 3AW: The 10 million Australians who will get a tax cut

Craig Whatman speaking on 3AW Breakfast More than 10 million Australians will receive up to $1080 in tax rebates over the next 12 months. The low and middle income tax offset has been extended for a year. It’s payable when lodging tax returns, and is available to those earning under $126,000. For businesses, partner at […]

Federal Budget 2021-22: Brave structural moves left on the shelf

Tonight’s federal budget delivers enough for businesses to keep them sailing along as the economy becomes more buoyant, but it lacks great vision for the direction of the country, instead locking in previous budget measures as business as usual. National Chairman of the Pitcher Partners National Association John Brazzale said tonight’s Budget has been built […]

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