Pitcher Partners is pleased to present our Deal Pulse report on Queensland merger and acquisition (M&A) activity for the calendar year 2020.
Deal Pulse highlights significant deals and trends by sector. Whilst 2019’s deals (303) were slightly down on the highs of 2018 (324), 2020 was in many ways amazing only dropping 14%. The ‘up-down-up’ nature of the deals in the last 18 months has largely mirrored our lives as we all rode the roller coaster ride of COVID-19.
- The most active sector in Queensland for the second year in a row was technology, media and telecommunications with 52 deals (up 15%), with the application software sub sector leading the way
- Leisure rode the ‘big dipper’ dropping 56% from 41 deals (2019) to 18 deals
It is hard to remember a more interesting time in deal markets as the momentum of late 2020 is carrying strongly into 2021. With a vaccine on the way, record stimulus and low interest rates, the consensus view at the moment is that the upward roller coaster ride will continue – let’s hope so.
We would be pleased to discuss in more detail any questions regarding the report, or our observations on the drivers of divestment and acquisition in your sector.