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COVID-19: News and updates
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COVID-19: News and updates

Access the latest news and updates relating to COVID-19 and the support to you and your business.

Is your business eligible for the ATO’s cash Access the latest news and updates relating to COVID-19 and the support to you and your business. boost payment(s)?

30 July 2020
The Federal Government’s cash flow boost is a relief measure to support eligible businesses and not-for-profit organisations in response to the impact of COVID-19.

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July economic and fiscal update and what it means for the middle market

23 July 2020
The Federal Government released its July Economic and Fiscal Update (JEFU) statement, painting a picture that Australia is performing better than many of its OECD equivalent economies.

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Prepare now for the next phase of COVID investing

23 July 2020
There are three distinct periods in which investors have and will need to make important decisions about the composition of their portfolios.

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JobKeeper 2.0 – Government extends payment scheme

22 July 2020
The Federal Government has announced the JobKeeper payments scheme will be extended beyond September 2020.

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Year-end taxation and reporting for managed funds

11 June 2020
As 30 June approaches, it is critical for responsible entities, trustees and fund managers to turn immediate attention to taxation, investor reporting and other fund compliance obligations, particularly given the ongoing impact of COVID-19.

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The Export Markets Development Grant – government financial assistance program

10 June 2020
Eligible Australian businesses can claim up to 50% of expenses on approved overseas promotions of their Australian products or services under the Export Markets Development Grant (EMDG).

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Year-end tax planning and the impacts of COVID-19

9 June 2020
While tax planning is always important for taxpayers each 30 June, COVID-19 has brought about several additional complexities and challenges that need to be considered as part of your year-end tax planning.

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Accessing R&D tax incentives for overseas findings

3 June 2020
Organisations that have undertaken R&D activities in foreign jurisdictions in the year ending 30 June 2020 may be eligible to claim the R&D tax incentive.

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Getting ready for a post-pandemic investment portfolio

2 June 2020
How do we invest and construct portfolios in a post-COVID world?

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Is tax reform inevitable?

1 June 2020
State and federal governments are spending billions of dollars in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. But before too long attention will turn to funding and how Australia will repay the debt.

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Hybrid mismatch rules to be simplified

29 May 2020
A Bill containing amendments to the hybrid mismatch rules is set to resolve significant issues that arose for SME taxpayers when the rules were originally introduced.

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JobKeeper – How to calculate GST turnover

11 May 2020
The Australian Taxation Office has issued a new ruling to help with the task of performing the decline in turnover test for JobKeeper eligibility purposes.

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Tax relief measures for states and territories

14 May 2020
State and territory governments have announced a range of tax relief measures in response to COVID-19. This article summarises the measures announced to date.

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JobKeeper rules extended to cover certain employment entities

5 May 2020
The Treasurer has released a modified decline in turnover test for employers that provide labour services within their tax consolidated groups, tax consolidatable groups or GST groups.

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JobKeeper – Applying the integrity rule to service entity and other arrangements

4 May 2020
The Commissioner of Taxation has released a practical compliance guide (PCG 2020/4) outlining the operation of its integrity rule (Section 19) and how he may deploy compliance resources to certain arrangements that enable an entity to obtain access to the JobKeeper payments.

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Strategic cost control considerations for NFPs

28 April 2020
In turbulent and uncertain times, when there is a shock to the economy like we are currently experiencing, organisations may see a significant drop in their revenue. This proves challenging for any sector, but especially so for not-for-profit organisations (NFPs).

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JobKeeper – alternative decline in turnover tests

24 April 2020
The Commissioner of Taxation has released several alternative tests to assess decline in turnover. The alternative tests can be applied where the basic decline in turnover test is not otherwise satisfied.

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ATO publishes new guidance on claiming deductions while working from home due to COVID-19

24 April 2020
Many Australians are now working from home to ensure business continuity amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the Australian Taxation Office (“ATO”) is expecting an unprecedented amount of home office related tax deductions this financial year. The ATO has provided new guidance on what can be claimed.

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JobKeeper GST turnover check-list

20 April 2020
The GST turnover checklist is designed as a guide to assist organisations to calculate GST turnover for the purpose of assessing eligibility for the Federal Government’s JobKeeper program.

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Assessing JobKeeper eligibility using GST turnover

16 April 2020
Last week the Federal Government passed JobKeeper legislation to assist businesses affected by COVID-19 to cover the costs of their employees’ wages.

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Land tax relief for landlords

16 April 2020
The Victorian, New South Wales and Queensland governments have each announced land tax relief measures for eligible landlords impacted by COVID-19.

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Key superannuation changes in government’s response to COVID-19

9 April 2020
The government has temporarily changed the superannuation rules to assist individuals and retirees impacted by COVID-19.

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Payroll tax relief to support businesses in Victoria

9 April 2020
As part of the Victorian Government’s stimulus package to ease the economic impact of COVID-19, payroll tax measures have been introduced to assist businesses manage their obligations through these trying times.

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Commercial considerations for NFPs in the current environment

9 April 2020
Organisations around the world are experiencing the effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Among those most affected are not-for-profit (NFP) organisations.

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JobKeeper legislation introduced

8 April 2020
Legislation to introduce the Federal Government’s JobKeeper payment program was introduced and passed by the House of Representatives Wednesday 8 April 2020.

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JobKeeper Frequently asked questions

6 April 2020
Below are frequently asked questions about the JobKeeper provisions. We have provided our current thinking on each of those questions.

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Cashflow is critical in a virus battered economy

6 April 2020
A cashflow forecasting model can help businesses create a tailored response to the economic shocks of COVID-19.

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Understanding JobKeeper payments

3 April 2020
A revised fact sheet released by Treasury has expanded on this eligibility criteria under the JobKeeper subsidy and frequently asked questions about this scheme.

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Securing your remote workforce from cyber threat

2 April 2020
While there are many benefits to a decentralised, or remote workforce, it is not without risks and challenges.

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Federal Government announces JobKeeper program to support businesses and employees

31 March 2020
The Federal Government has continued its tsunami of economic stimulus with the release of the JobKeeper Payment initiative, aimed at supporting employers to retain their workforce while managing through the commercial disruption of COVID-19.

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Just in time, or still too late?

30 March 2020
The ‘just in time’ (JIT) approach is now broadly used in today’s supply chains where e-commerce driven companies also use this method, as their margins tend to be slim, so costs are key.

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ATO issues integrity warning to employers over PAYG withholding cash flow boost

26 March 2020
Changes to PAYG have been introduced to assist small and medium businesses in response to COVID-19.

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Managing your finances: a guide for businesses and individuals

25 March 2020
Federal and state governments announced a range of measures to support small and medium enterprises (SME) in response to the impacts of COVID-19.

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COVID-19 stimulus package to support individuals

23 March 2020
COVID-19 second stimulus package releasing five new measures to provide support payments to lower-income Australians and individuals most affected.

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COVID-19 stimulus package to support businesses

23 March 2020
The Government’s second stimulus package in response to COVID-19, released details outlining support to business and employers.

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Government announces changes to insolvency rules

23 March 2020
The Federal Government announced details of its second stimulus package in response to COVID-19, including several material measures relevant to the insolvency industry.

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Government announces second COVID-19 stimulus

23 March 2020
On 22 March 2020, the Federal Government announced further economic stimulus measures for individuals, business and the banking sector

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NSW COVID-19 stimulus package

18 March 2020
The NSW Government has announced a $2.3 billion health and economic stimulus package to protect the community and jobs.

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Mobilising your workforce in the wake of COVID-19

18 March 2020
A guide to mobilising a remote workforce to minimise disruption to operations.

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ATO announces support for businesses

Australian Taxation Office
The ATO has setup payment deferrals for businesses impacted by coronavirus.

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Government coronavirus stimulus package to assist businesses with cashflow

13 March 2020
The Federal Government has announced a $17.6 billion stimulus package to assist organisations impacted by coronavirus.

Read full update here

When crisis strikes: maintaining business continuity

11 March 2020
A guide to developing your own emergency response and business continuity plans.

Read full update here

This content is general commentary only and does not constitute advice. Before making any decision or taking any action in relation to the content, you should consult your professional advisor. To the maximum extent permitted by law, neither Pitcher Partners or its affiliated entities, nor any of our employees will be liable for any loss, damage, liability or claim whatsoever suffered or incurred arising directly or indirectly out of the use or reliance on the material contained in this content. Pitcher Partners is an association of independent firms. Pitcher Partners is a member of the global network of Baker Tilly International Limited, the members of which are separate and independent legal entities. Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation.

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