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Objecting to the value of your property on your council rates notice

Annual council rate notices containing property valuations have recently been  issued by local councils in Victoria. Rate payers should consider whether the property values on their notices are reasonable, so that an objection can be lodged within the 2 months’ deadline if required. A successful objection could translate into significant savings in the form of reduced rates, a reduced 2021 Land Tax liability or a reduced 2021 Vacant Residential Land Tax liability.

Federal Budget 2020-21: Expenditure measures

The Government announced a large number of expenditure measures which are aimed at kickstarting the economy. Many of these items have a smaller budgetary cost and are targeted at certain businesses and industries. Below is an overview of these measures. 

Federal Budget 2020-21: Superannuation

The Government has announced the “Your Future, Your Super” package to improve the superannuation system and has confirmed a number of previously announced measures to apply from 1 July 2021. 

Federal Budget 2020-21: Fringe benefits tax

Certain Fringe Benefits Tax (“FBT”) exemptions will now apply to businesses with turnovers between $10 million and $50 million. Retraining of redundant and redeployed employees will also be exempt from FBT. Record-keeping requirements may also be reduced in future. 

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