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Labour costs may not be deductible for tax purposes

The ATO recently finalised its guidance (Taxation Ruling TR 2023/2) on when it considers labour costs incurred specifically for constructing and creating capital assets to be capital in nature and therefore not deductible under section 8-1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

Compliance Committee Forum 2023

Pitcher Partners and McMahon Clarke, together with the Melbourne and Sydney Compliance Groups, held a Compliance Committee Forum Webinar for a briefing on the latest issues for financial services.

Year End Tax Planning 2023

With the end of the financial year looming fast, it is an opportune time to consider the tax and financial affairs of your business and ensure that your year-end tax planning is in order.

New thin capitalisation rules

The Government will implement new thin capitalisation rules that will operate from 1 July 2023. The proposed new rules will apply to deny interest deductions for taxpayers with foreign shareholders, or foreign operations, or that are part of multinational groups.

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CPN Enquiry
Business Radar 2024
Dealmakers 2024
Tax Facts 2024-25
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