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How the new change on the FBT tax is impacting the end users

In some workplaces it is common practice to provide employees a company car as a tool of trade, as part of their compensation, or to give the possibility to finance a novated lease. However, as workplaces and companies move their fleets to a greener alternative, an unintended consequence of this can be the increased employee’s tax liability.

Are you travelling for work, or commuting between home and the office?

FBT principles comes back into focus for a number of organisations with mobile employees travelling on Fly-in-Fly-Out (FIFO) arrangements. Business related travel expenses remain a topic of focus for the ATO. Whilst the John Holland case[1] and recently released Tax Ruling 2021/1 made significant progress in providing guidelines on when the “otherwise deductible” rule can apply for business-related travel expenses, the recent judgement in the Bechtel case[2] demonstrates that the devil is really in the detail.

How can hospitality businesses use artificial intelligence effectively

Some hospitality businesses are already using Artificial Intelligence or AI. Not all are using it effectively or to its full potential. AI has exploded into our lives and is here to stay, thanks to services such as ChatGPT. All businesses, including hospitality, will be embracing AI to stay ahead of their competitors and retain and grow customers or members.

How will Generative AI impact mid-market businesses?

With generative AI tools taking the world by storm businesses are set to reap many efficiency benefits. It is unlikely to completely replace roles, but streamline processes with quality control of outputs. Data security and trust are the biggest challenges and a comprehensive management plan is key

Using social recruitment to attract top talent and achieve your recruitment strategy

Key points Social recruitment involves strategically using your online and offline channels to attract more applicants for each role and have a better chance of attracting and retaining top talent. Candidates are more informed than ever due to the amount of information available online. Building a strong presence online requires ongoing commitment across your organisation, […]

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