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Pitcher Perspective: Automotive industry meets the market

Welcome to Pitcher Perspective, where we take you beyond the numbers and go in-depth on the current issues affecting the business sector. Even though we’re accountants and advisors, we’re endlessly curious about finding better opportunities and creating better outcomes for your business. We recognise that an important piece of the puzzle is providing you with the information […]

Pitcher Perspective: Spotlight on the economy

Welcome to Pitcher Perspective, where we take you beyond the numbers and go in-depth on the current issues affecting the business sector. Even though we’re accountants and advisors, we’re endlessly curious about finding better opportunities and creating better outcomes for your business. We recognise that an important piece of the puzzle is providing you with the information […]

Year End Tax Planning 2024

It’s almost the end of the financial year. And we all know what that means – it’s time to start getting your year-end tax planning in order. Our expert Greg Nielsen from Pitcher Partners Melbourne will help you cover all your income tax bases in our latest year-end tax planning webinar. In this webinar, he […]

Pitcher Perspective: Spotlight on the automotive industry – challenges and opportunities.

Welcome to Pitcher Perspective, where we take you beyond the numbers and go in-depth on the current issues affecting the business sector. Even though we’re accountants and advisors, we’re endlessly curious about finding better opportunities and creating better outcomes for your business. We recognise that an important piece of the puzzle is providing you with the information […]

Federal and Victorian State budgets 2024-25: Melbourne livestream

Pitcher Partners Melbourne brought together a panel of experts for an extensive budget briefing.  The panel included ANZ Senior Economist Catherine Birch and Tax Advisory partners Stuart Dall, Daniel Burt and Irina Tan. Together they discuss the implications of the Federal and Victorian State budget on individuals and middle market businesses. A budget focused on […]

Expansion of Vacant Residential Land Tax to all Victoria – act now

If you own a vacant residential property in Victoria, you could have a Vacant Residential Land Tax (VRLT) liability in respect of that property from next year onwards.  The VRLT is an annual tax imposed on residential property which is deemed to be ‘vacant’. The tax applies in addition to standard land tax and is […]

Improving Productivity

Productivity Growth  – Either do “more with same” or “same (or more) with less” Despite many BBQ discussions centring on interest rates and property prices, economists in Canberra are devoting great swathes of water cooler discussion time to how Australia can improve workforce productivity to offset both price and wage inflation. This is important as generally, when […]

IRS releases proposed foreign trust regulations

On May 7, 2024, the US Treasury and IRS release proposed regulations for the taxation and reporting of foreign trusts. These extensive regulations, spanning over 150 pages, are particularly relevant for the US citizens in Australia and Australians residing in the US.  US foreign trust regime As a result of some taxpayers using foreign trusts […]

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