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Federal Budget update: Targeted support and planning for the future

This marked the second chance for the Treasurer to make his mark following on from last year’s October update. As it was then, so it was now, a Budget that threaded the line between wanting to appear “fiscally responsible” while also addressing the public outcry on cost-of-living issues in what is a still-elevated inflation and interest rate environment. As it was then, so it was now, a Budget that threaded the line between wanting to appear “fiscally responsible” while also addressing the public outcry on cost-of-living issues in what is a still-elevated inflation and interest rate environment. 

Challenges and solutions for employee share schemes for small listed companies

Employee share schemes can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to motivate and retain their staff. By giving employees the opportunity to own a stake in the company, businesses can align their interests with those of their workers and encourage them to work towards the company’s success. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to set up an employee share scheme discount sale in your business. We’ll cover the benefits of offering such a scheme, the different types of schemes available, and how to structure the scheme for maximum success. Whether you’re a small business owner or a large corporation, an employee share scheme could be a valuable addition to your remuneration package, so let’s get started.

Is your business ready for mandatory climate reporting?

Every business is already impacted by climate change and the national and global move to a more decarbonised economy. As we respond to climate change, even small to medium size businesses will feel the effects on their business models, supply chains, risk management and attitudes of customers and staff. This is particularly the case for businesses whose customers include larger businesses or emission generating businesses, who will have to understand and report on the emissions of their suppliers.

Abolishing stamp duty: Housing affordability at the expense of long-term strategy?

As part of a plan to create more affordable homes and slow the growth of the city’s urban fringe, abolishing stamp duty could improve accessibility to the housing market. However, the state has become increasingly reliant on property taxes including stamp duty, which now account for more than 40% of state revenue. The other main property tax in the state’s revenue base is land tax, with many landowners experiencing staggering increases in their land tax, between 25% and 150% in some cases this year.

What is customer listening?

As businesses navigate the impact of the rising cost of living on operations, it’s important to foster strong customer connections. Understanding changes in customer expectations will be a cornerstone of corporate success as customers tighten their belts and businesses re-examine their spending priorities amid economic uncertainty. 

Cybercrime: The importance of a chain of command

Pitcher Partners Radar report has shown that business leaders may overestimate their organisation’s preparedness for a cyber-attack or data breach, potentially leading to underestimation of the risks they face. While cybersecurity is a top priority for most mid-market companies, there is some ambiguity regarding who is responsible for cybersecurity.

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