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Selling your business and common mistakes to avoid

Selling a business takes a lot of preparation and successful transactions often require years of planning and careful consideration. There are several mistakes that business owners should be aware of when considering selling their business, to increase their chances of a successful transaction. Who’s in charge now Some of the first questions buyers ask is: […]

Superannuation contribution limits increasing

Super contribution limits Due to indexation arrangements, superannuation contribution limits are set to increase from 1 July 2024. Please refer to the information below for further details. Concessional and non-concessional contribution limits The concessional contribution limit will increase from $27,500 to $30,000 from 1 July 2024. As the non-concessional contribution limit is set at four […]

Superannuation – what to know before June 30

The Government continuously make changes to superannuation rules which makes it necessary to review an individual’s superannuation setup each year. Below is an overview of some of the key areas that should be considered prior to 30 June 2024. Contributions What are the types of contributions? Superannuation contributions fall into two main categories: concessional and […]

2024-25 Federal Budget key tax measures

The 2024-25 Federal Budget did not announce any significant new tax reforms. Our tax experts have compiled a summary of the few tax measures that were announced below: Revised Stage 3 tax cuts – The Government confirmed that it would proceed with the revised and already legislated Stage 3 tax cuts for individuals set to […]

Victorian State Budget 2024-25: Analysis

Middle market businesses denied much needed tax relief in State Budget   Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas handed down the State Budget 2024-25, his 10th budget, on the afternoon of 7 May.   With an increased deficit of $2.2bn now projected for the 2024-25 financial year, and the state’s net debt expected to blow out to almost $188bn […]

Merger reforms won’t boost competition

The new Federal Government rules will disproportionately affect the middle market, potentially strengthening big business. The rewriting of the merger rules will impact the exit options of private mid-sized businesses that have often been built from the ground up by family entrepreneurs. Under the new rules, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will oversee planned […]

Development – adversarial by nature or choice?

I have a background as a litigation lawyer. I can honestly say that the bulk of the legal profession were courteous and supportive compared to the inherent conflict I have experienced at almost every level of the property, development and construction industry. This is even more incongruous when I factor the symbiotic nature of the […]

Victoria needs to be the place businesses want to invest

Key points: Victoria is the only state where new business starts have declined from 2021 levels Government policies, labour market shortages and supply chain dynamics significant factors affecting productivity Removal of stamp duty exemptions, Foreign Buyers Duty and increase in payroll tax contributing to an unfavourable business climate Victoria risks losing even more business investment […]

Build-to-rent tax concessions

In April 2024, Treasury released for comment exposure draft legislation (see here) seeking to introduce income tax concessions for Build-to-rent property developments to give effect to a Federal Budget announcement made on 9 May 2023. The proposed concessions consist of a capital works deduction rate of 4% per year and a reduced withholding tax rate […]

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