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A new workforce: The aged care sector’s big opportunity

In recent years, Australia’s ageing population and complex skills and competency requirements have placed increasing pressure on the aged sector. The Aged Care Royal Commission, in particular, revealed the gravity of issues in the sector, highlighting that workplace conditions and strong demands form part of the challenges the industry must overcome to evolve.

NALI rules expansion could see SMSFs taxed at 45%

Amendments have been made to the non-arm’s length income (NALI) rules for complying superannuation funds, which may now also apply if a fund incurs non-arm’s length expenses, or does not incur any expense, in generating income or profits from investments.

GST withholding: The transitional period ends soon

Until now, contracts for the sale of certain types of real property which were entered into before 1 July 2018 have not been subject to the GST withholding rules. However, the transitional period is coming to an end.

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