Pitcher Partners tops list of Australia’s best financial advisors
The 2019 List of Australia’s Top 50 Financial Advisers was released this morning, revealing Pitcher Partners is home to three of Australia’s top five financial advisors.
The 2019 List of Australia’s Top 50 Financial Advisers was released this morning, revealing Pitcher Partners is home to three of Australia’s top five financial advisors.
Federal and state governments recently announced a range of measures to support small and medium enterprises (SME) in response to the impacts of COVID-19 (coronavirus).
The list of Australia’s top 100 financial advisers was announced this morning, with five Pitcher Partners representatives ranking in the honoured list.
Understanding the definition of ‘income’ for trusts has always been important. However, for this 30 June 2020, it’s more critical than ever due to COVID-19.
In recent years, Australia’s ageing population and complex skills and competency requirements have placed increasing pressure on the aged sector. The Aged Care Royal Commission, in particular, revealed the gravity of issues in the sector, highlighting that workplace conditions and strong demands form part of the challenges the industry must overcome to evolve.
Recent statistics and discourse demonstrate there is growing appetite for dealmaking across acquisitions, sales and mergers to better position organisations for the future.
An increase in reporting requirements under the Australian Accounting Standards Board’s (AASB) Interpretation 23 has created uncertainty over income tax treatments and interaction with transfer pricing.
The ATO is set to notify large private companies that they are required to prepare and lodge a reportable tax position (RTP) schedule.
Amendments have been made to the non-arm’s length income (NALI) rules for complying superannuation funds, which may now also apply if a fund incurs non-arm’s length expenses, or does not incur any expense, in generating income or profits from investments.
Until now, contracts for the sale of certain types of real property which were entered into before 1 July 2018 have not been subject to the GST withholding rules. However, the transitional period is coming to an end.