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Prepare now for the next phase of COVID investing

The pandemic has been an accelerant on many fronts – the end of the growth of globalisation, the rapidly greater use of technology and significant changes in our working patterns and consumer behaviour. For investors, it has also shaken up the way we are investing now and will in the future.There are three distinct periods in which investors have and will need to make important decisions about the composition of their portfolios

Using the COVID-19 crisis as a strategy reset for aged care boards

Australia’s aged care sector has weathered the COVID-19 pandemic well, despite some headlines to the contrary. While this doesn’t make the deaths of people in residential care facilities any less tragic, the sector continues to strengthen its measures to reduce the spread of the virus and protect the health of older people across Australia

Pitcher Partners continues to lead Top Advisers list

Pitcher Partners’ Sue Dahn is the first woman to take out the coveted financial advisors in Australia top rank. Sue joins last year’s winner, Pitcher Partners’ Charlie Viola and colleague Adam Stanley who are all positioned in the top five advisors nationally.

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