Superannuation Guarantee Amnesty
If you have ever contemplated a review of your superannuation guarantee obligations and processes, the ideal opportunity to act is over the next six months.
If you have ever contemplated a review of your superannuation guarantee obligations and processes, the ideal opportunity to act is over the next six months.
Now that the business year has kicked off in earnest, I am finding fierce opposition to many of the core building blocks of well-diversified investment portfolios.
Monday’s announcement of Holden shuttering its Australia-New Zealand lines is a sure sign that the luxury car tax (LCT) has got to go.
Land tax assessment notices for 2020 will soon be issued by State Revenue Office Victoria. Confirm the amount payable is appropriate to your circumstances by accessing your downloadable how-to guide to decoding your assessment notice. Download the guide
The Victorian, South Australian and New South Wales governments have announced a range of tax relief measures for individuals and businesses directly affected by bushfires. These measures include: stamp duty relief for the purchase of replacement homes and motor vehicles, land tax relief for land in affected areas, and payroll tax relief for employers located […]
Dealmakers predict increasing M&A through 2020 given dynamic market opportunities and Australia’s unique advantages in growth, legal environment and innovation.
The first thought would likely be “…it depends on how much they are offering?”. The second thought is the one that is more difficult to answer: “…am I ready to sell and can I get what I want for my business?” This is a question you should ask yourself, whether you have been approached by […]
Developers with residential projects in inner and middle Melbourne that are undergoing lengthy construction periods should consider the application of the VRLT to their projects, especially where the land was residential in nature before construction commenced.
Having spent some time on end-of-calendar-year investment portfolio housekeeping and calculating your returns for the year, you will no doubt be pleased at the performance of your portfolios. 2019 was a great year for investors. This article originally appeared in The Australian on 24 January 2020 But how did you really go? What are the correct calculations […]
Pitcher Partners Adelaide is excited to announce the appointment of Ben Brazier as its new Managing Principal for 2020. Ben has been an integral part of the firm since 1997 and became a Principal in 2003. This article originally appeared in The Advertiser on Tuesday 28 January 2020. Ben excels in providing management consulting services, cash flow analysis, […]