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Understanding JobKeeper payments

This week the Federal Government announced a subsidy program to help businesses affected by COVID-19 cover the costs of their employees’ wages.

Director penalty regime extended to include GST

The Federal Government’s package of reforms aimed at addressing illegal phoenix activity is now law. One of the more significant measures under the reforms is the extension of the director penalty regime to include GST and other indirect tax liabilities of a company.

Legal survey 2020: Structure and governance

Compliance obligations of legal firms continues to increase with the structure and governance of practices becoming more important. Not surprisingly, a corporate model continues to be the favoured structure of legal firms according to a recent survey.

Legal survey 2020: Technology

A survey of legal firms saw an increase in the number of firms using technology to improve the client experience from 45% to 55%.

Legal survey 2020: The cultural gap

Culture was a standout theme in a recent survey of legal firms, having a significant impact on many other areas of a firm including the strategy and succession, governance and decision making, and technology gaps.

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