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Dealmakers 2023

Merger and acquisition (M&A) activity was more subdued in 2022 following the frenzy of activity in 2021. Despite the challenging conditions, dealmakers remain upbeat about Australia’s overall deal prospects and mid-market opportunities in the year ahead.

Vinod Parasuraman

With an impressive career spanning almost 17 years, Vinod (Vin) is a well rounded corporate finance expert specialising in financial due diligence (including vendor due diligence), carve outs, SPA assistance, data room assistance, transaction support, and Investigating Accountants Reports for IPO. With a broad range of experience, he is equipped to assist a diverse client […]

Compliance Committee Forum 2022

Pitcher Partners and McMahon Clarke together with the Melbourne and Sydney Compliance Groups held a Compliance Committee Forum Webinar, covering some of the latest issues for financial services.

New draft ruling TR 2022/D2 – Individual Tax Residency Rules

When the ATO released the Draft Ruling last week, the existing residency rulings IT 2650 and TR 98/17, were withdrawn.
It would appear the ATO has released the Draft Ruling to modernise the previous rulings (which were both released in the 1990s) and to incorporate key findings from recent residency cases, in particular Addy, Pike and Harding.

Brenton Chan

Now an essential part of the Pitcher Partners Funds Management Tax team, Brenton commenced his career as an analyst within the financial services tax division of a Big 4 professional firm in 2010, cutting his teeth on a portfolio which included large managed funds and industry superannuation funds. His previous experience as a senior tax […]

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Business Radar 2024
Dealmakers 2024
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