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Technology, media and telecommunications

Australia’s technology, media and telecommunications industries continue to evolve through merger and acquisition activity and the growth of new media channels.
Tech-driven transformation

As businesses become more reliant on technology to automate and manage their day-to-day operations, having the right technology infrastructure in place is crucial. Technological integration is particularly important for the media and telecommunications industries.

These industries have rapidly evolved in recent years, driven by changing ownership structures, the evolving regulatory landscape and the need for a telecommunications network that is effective across Australia for the long term. The digital transformation of media and the desire for news and information as it happens has increased demand on these industries. Further, the sector also faces rising cost pressures and new revenue models that require media organisations to be pragmatic and adaptable.

Supporting dynamic industries

Whether you’re seeking new revenue streams, focusing on managing costs, or your product and service delivery models have been disrupted by technology, your business can benefit from an experienced team that deeply understands the media and telecommunications sector. We work with:

  • Entertainment companies
  • Online media companies
  • Publishing companies
  • Broadcast and print media providers
  • Production, film and television companies
  • IT and technology firms
  • Telecommunications providers

Businesses in the technology, media and telecommunications sector must address a variety of challenges each day to take advantage of new opportunities while ensuring the business is structured to adapt quickly.


Technology, media, and telecommunications providers need to deliver an exceptional user experience or they risk consumers engaging with many of the other platforms and providers available to them. Other challenges in the sector include managing costs, building new revenue streams, ensuring steady cash flow, the increasing complexity of balancing adequate resourcing with profitability and ensuring regulatory obligations are met as a business that manages large amounts of data.


As people are spending more time online, the use of digital channels to engage with and distribute content to audiences is an increasingly important opportunity for providers. Telecommunications services, particularly internet and connectivity infrastructure, have become essential for people. This presents an opportunity to be a reliable provider by implementing features that ensure an exceptional user experience throughout the customer lifecycle.

Your experienced partner

Whatever your unique challenges and goals, Pitcher Partners are equipped to help. Working with a range of businesses across the technology, media and telecommunications sectors, our extensive experience covers year end accounting, audit, business advisory, risk management, taxation advisory and business and systems improvement.

We have an independent and commercially based view of performance with the ability to identify and manage risks while advising on a range of matters, including specific regulatory challenges, revenue pressures and increasing competition. We also offer access to a high-functioning network of individuals and organisations, including competitive committees, board members, financial services firms and investigative groups.

Our experts

Cole Wilkinson

Cole Wilkinson



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Nick Bull

Nick Bull



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Scott Edden

Scott Edden


Newcastle and Hunter

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Paul Mulligan

Paul Mulligan

Executive Director


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Howard Badger

Howard Badger



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