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Healthcare and pharmacy

Australia’s world-leading healthcare industry is vital for maintaining and improving the health and wellbeing of people across the country.
Caring for Australia

An ageing population, expensive medical interventions, changing consumer expectations and technologies, along with the rise in chronic diseases, are placing an ever-increasing burden on Australia’s healthcare system.

The healthcare sector operates within a consumer-centric world that demands better health outcomes, clinical quality and safety, access to quality care and enhanced use of information and technology. Leaders, policymakers, citizens and healthcare providers are challenged with translating this new reality into sustainable models of care. Understanding the evolving needs of stakeholders and how this impacts healthcare providers is crucial for these organisations in ensuring their strategies and service delivery models are effective now and into the future.

Ensuring optimal healthcare outcomes

Whatever your organisation’s unique needs or challenges, you need the expertise of a team that deeply understands the healthcare sector. We work with a range of healthcare organisations, including:

  • Federal, state and local governments
  • Public sector departments and agencies
  • Not-for-profit organisations
  • Industry associations
  • Hospitals
  • Aged care facilities and retirement villages
  • Health care providers
  • Pharmacies

Providing strategic and operational pharmacy expertise

Managing and growing a pharmacy requires specialist expertise. Whether you are considering purchasing a pharmacy or wanting to enhance your existing business performance, our pharmacy team works with owners at all stages of their journey. We’ll help you improve profits and grow cash flow with strategic and operational advice that spans from monthly bookkeeping and management reporting to strategic retail planning and wealth management. 

Organisations across the healthcare sector must address a range of challenges each day to ensure opportunities can be realised without compromising service delivery or regulatory obligations.


Key commercial challenges that healthcare organisations face include fit-for-purpose accountability, demonstrating value for money, effective approaches to performance management, building public service capability, safeguarding citizen satisfaction and trust, providing for effective policy-delivery integration, and supporting non-government providers. Understanding these challenges and how to address them is crucial to your organisation’s strategy.


Technological innovation and big data represent two key opportunities for the healthcare sector. When collected, managed and analysed effectively, data can help healthcare organisations to optimise their operations and improve service delivery. Further, with the growing need for people to have access to quality healthcare and 24/7 access to information and services, the digitisation of healthcare services is providing new and better ways for people to interact with this sector.

Providing vital experience and support

With Pitcher Partners, you’ll have access to an expert team that has worked with a range of healthcare organisations across different delivery and funding models. Our extensive experience includes audit, business advisory, risk management, taxation advisory and business and systems improvement.

With a deep understanding of how different businesses interact with healthcare organisations, we help you to establish the right financial and accounting reporting systems and processes to ensure your service delivery continues to provide the best possible healthcare outcomes.

Our experts

Norman Thurecht

Norman Thurecht

Managing Partner


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Mark Harrison

Mark Harrison



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Geoff Thompson

Geoff Thompson


Newcastle and Hunter

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Leon Mok

Leon Mok

Managing Director


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Martin Booth

Martin Booth



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