Damon Fairchild
Audit enthusiast by day, footy fan by night
Transitioning from casual roles as a lifeguard, bartender and administrative assistant at a law firm, Damon started his career at Pitcher Partners Melbourne as part of the 2021 graduate program.
With a passion to learn and an eagerness to apply his university education, he dove head-first into the Business Advisory and Assurance team. Within nine months of commencing the graduate program, Damon has already established a good daily rhythm, solid dialogue with colleagues at all levels and surrounded himself with the support he needs to progress and improve.
The emphasis on culture at Pitcher Partners is what drew Damon into pursuing the graduate program.
Describing his team as “hardworking, on the ball, switched on and positive,” Damon has felt at home from his first day.
Initially not sure if accounting was his desired pathway, the ability to experience multiple practices as part of the program, as well as the personable and team-oriented focus, sparked Damon’s interest in a career with the firm.
He also describes his team as being a ‘close knit group,’ where he can turn to anyone for questions, support and feedback, a critical resource at the beginning of your career.
Having completed his Bachelor of Commerce degree at Monash, majoring in accounting and economics, he has been able to apply his knowledge first-hand to completing audits for firm clients; one of his proudest achievements being able to complete an audit by himself.
The process has reinforced his professional passion for accounting, and this influence now drives Damon’s career journey with Pitcher Partners.
With regular feedback from more senior staff, Damon has been able to take the next steps in his career, most recently being encouraged to pursue his CA (Chartered Accountant) qualifications to further his skills and technical expertise.
Alongside the opportunity to complete his CA, Damon expressed one of his highlights so far as having been able to work with a wide variety of clients, which has allowed him to gain a broader understanding of how other industries and businesses operate.
Audit is fast becoming Damon’s professional passion. However, outside of the office and studying, Damon is an enthusiastic member of his local footy team.
He can balance his training commitments for his footy team with the professional demands of audit work, a testament to the flexibility and work-life balance that is offered at Pitcher Partners.
A valued team member both on the field and in the office, Damon’s personable nature has seen him quickly recognised as a fast learner and an aspiring audit professional with a natural flair for client relationships.
If accounting hadn’t taken his professional focus, Damon reflects that his career path could have taken an educational turn and combined his passions for numbers and sports.
“I think if I hadn’t gone into accounting, I would have been a maths teacher,” says Damon.
“I would still get that numbers focus, and I might’ve coached the school footy team on the side.”
As he settles into the next phase of his graduate experience, Damon is feeling positive about the next steps in his professional career with at Pitcher Partners.
Applications are now open for the Pitcher Partners Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney student programs. Find out more here.
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