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Financial modelling in a dynamic environment

View this webinar that has been designed to help your business navigate the current climate of change. Zane Sherry from the Pitcher Partners, Corporate Finance team will demonstrate how to use financial modelling as a decision making tool during times of uncertainty. The information presented in this webinar was accurate at the time of recording, […]

Financial modelling in a dynamic environment

Critical Point Network Sydney | Financial modelling in a dynamic environment View this webinar that has been designed to help your business navigate the current climate of change. Zane Sherry from the Pitcher Partners, Corporate Finance team will demonstrate how to use financial modelling as a decision making tool during times of uncertainty. The information […]

Understanding JobKeeper – Part 1: How the rules apply to your business

The Federal Government introduced legislation for the JobKeeper program on 08 April 2020. The highly anticipated subsidy program aims to help businesses affected by COVID-19 cover the cost of employee wages. While a positive support measure for business, there are a number of complexities in assessing eligibility for the subsidy. The information presented in this […]

Working remotely with Microsoft Teams

We are in the unfamiliar territory of working remotely. Overcome the challenge of physical distancing and provide your people with the tools to embrace a new way of working. The information presented in this webinar was accurate at the time of recording, 13 April 2020.

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