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Are you getting your fair share of working-from-home tax deductions?

As we emerge from Covid-19, many people continue to maintain a hybrid work model, mixing working from home (WFH) and working from their employer’s business premises. However, there is little guidance from the tax office on hybrid working arrangements (HWA), resulting in gaps surrounding tax treatments for travel, the use of business equipment at home […]

Windfall Gains Tax

Impact for landowners, purchasers, and developers. The Bill containing the new Windfall Gains Tax and the Build-To-Rent land tax concessions was passed without amendment by the Victorian Parliament, and has now received Royal Assent. The Windfall Gains Tax will therefore be commencing on 1 July 2023. But what does that mean for you? Pitcher Partners […]

Are you at risk of the ATO disclosing overdue tax debts to credit reporting bureaus?

Businesses with overdue tax debts of more than $100,000 may have their tax debt information reported to credit reporting bureaus by the Australian Taxation Office (“ATO”), following a new tax debt disclosure measure enacted in October 2019. While the regime took effect from February 2020, its implementation was delayed in response to COVID-19. Entities that […]

Business as unusual: Flexible working

Since the early 1900s, business as usual has meant a group of people congregated at one location to work 9am to 5pm, five days a week, despite all adversities, challenges, and disturbances. However, COVID-19 has put this into a tailspin with the heart of a business no longer being the office. Flexible working has become […]

Understanding how Government Grants and Incentives can assist your business

Government grants are the financial award given to applicants for beneficial projects, with no repayment required. While this sounds like a dream, some grants are highly competitive, and the majority of business owners do not have time to research them in order to determine eligibility or the resources to make the application. Government funding can have […]

Navigating the new digital business landscape

Recent events have highlighted the importance for businesses to plan for what is ahead when looking at their digital transformation strategies. From supply chain impacts, to connecting with customers and dealing with new hybrid working models and meeting staff expectations, the digital landscape is undergoing rapid change – make sure you don’t get left behind. […]

COP26, ESG and business impact: why is it important?

The past few months have brought into sharp relief an area of business and investment that has been steadily growing in importance. Organisations of all sizes are experiencing increasing pressure from regulation and shifting consumer expectations to measure and improve on environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. The term ESG is broader than just sustainable […]

The 60/40 investment portfolio was right centuries ago, and still is now

For many decades the default investment portfolio was a 60/40 split – this was seen as the ideal blend of growth and defensive investments for most investors most of the time. Generally, it translated to mean 60 per cent stocks and 40 per cent bonds. The growth characteristics of stocks would reward investors over time […]

Your contractor obligations: Overview of contractor compliance with employment taxes

The ATO collects a significant amount of information in relation to contractors in certain industries through the Taxable Payments Annual Report (“TPAR”). The ATO uses TPAR information for various compliance programs. In addition, they share this information with other government agencies including the State Revenue Offices and the WorkCover Authorities. These organisations analyse the information […]

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