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ATO finalises approach to Professional Practices

Working in professional services? Find out how new ATO Guidelines might affect you and your firm.

Four years after suspending their guidelines, the ATO has finalised its compliance approach to the allocation of professional firm profits with the publication of Practical Compliance Guidelines PCG 2021/4, set to take effect from 1 July 2022.

Making money in an EV world

The Dealership world is currently sitting on the precipice of a monumental change from which there is no known white knight. The solution to the problem exists, but it requires the dealers to take the initiative and kill a major sacred cow in the process.

Use concessional contributions to grow your super faster

Using unused concessional contributions to super to build your nest egg. Many people know they can direct extra payments into their superannuation from their pre-tax income each financial year. These payments, known as concessional contributions, are capped at $27,500 per year from the 2021-22 financial year – and that includes super paid by an employer. […]

Investment Outlook – Clouds Are Hovering

The rosy outlook for the global economy that was held by many at the turn of the year is beginning to darken. The global economy is now confronting a confluence of issues which have the potential to slow global activity and could spur further inflationary pressures. In following on from our note “Russian Invasion Of […]

Sydney Wealth Management | Economic and Market Outlook – April 2022

The information in these articles are current as at 1 April 2022. Welcome to our Economic and Market Outlook – April 2022. This edition covers the following topics: Global economic update: inflation and interest rate headwinds This article discusses the geopolitical implications of the Russian invasion in Ukraine on the international economy. It also looks […]

Global economic update: inflation and interest rate headwinds

The information in this article is current as at 1 April 2022. Part 1: Overview Russia-Ukraine War On 24 February, Russia invaded Ukraine. This followed weeks of military exercises along their mutual borders and heightened rhetoric from the Putin regime, which is still couching the invasion as a “special military operation” in communications to Russian […]

Australian economic update: strong start to 2022

The information in this article is current as at 1 April 2022. Part 1: Overview Growth The Australian economy is tracking at above-trend levels to start 2022. 2021 saw the economy grow by 4.2% according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) compared against a trend (average) growth rate of 2.7%. We also see business […]

Australian equities update: Resources and Financials surge to start 2022

The information in this article is current as at 1 April 2022. Overview The S&P/ASX 200 Total Return Index returned 2.2% over the three months and 6.2% over the nine months to 31 March 2022. S&P ASX200 Accumulation Index Source: S&P Outlook Recommendation: Maintain neutral. The Australian sharemarket has been volatile, albeit broadly steady in […]

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