Tax and BAS Agent services

A Tax Agent is a qualified professional who is authorised to provide advice on tax liabilities, obligations and entitlements for their clients, and who can prepare and lodge tax returns, notices, statements and other documents on behalf of their clients, including self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs). Tax agents may also represent clients in dealings with the Australian Tax Office (ATO), including handling objections and appeals, and they may assist with strategic tax planning. Tax Agents must be registered with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB).
A BAS Agent is a qualified professional who is authorised to prepare and lodge Business Activity Statements to the ATO on behalf of their clients, including determining, reporting and advising clients on their liabilities, obligations and entitlements in respect to Goods and Services Tax (GST), Pay As You Go (PAYG) withholding, superannuation-related payments including Superannuation Guarantee and other business related taxes and obligations. BAS Agents must be registered with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB).
Our Adelaide firm provides Tax Agent and BAS Agent Services through Pitcher Partners SA Pty Ltd. The services we will provide to you are outlined within our engagement letter. As a Tax Agent / BAS Agent, our work for you is performed in accordance with the Tax Agent Services Act 2009. Under this Act, the Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024 requires that we make the following disclosures to you:
Complaints process for taxation services
If you have a complaint about our Tax or BAS Agent services, we encourage you to lodge a complaint (either in writing, online, via email, phone call or in person) with either your engagement partner or manager, or the Complaints Officer. The Complaints Officer is the Chief Executive Officer of Pitcher Partners Adelaide.
To access the complaints process for taxation services, please click on the following link.
If you do not get a satisfactory outcome from Pitcher Partners, you may lodge a complaint directly with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) (being the national body responsible for the registration and regulation of Tax Agents and BAS Agents). To lodge a complaint with the TPB you will need to access the online complaints form located at
Tax or BAS Agent Register
If you wish to conduct a search of our Tax or BAS Agents, the Tax Practitioner’s Board maintains a register of Tax Agents and BAS Agents. You can access and search this register here:
Your obligations to the ATO, and your tax practitioner’s obligations to you
Please see the TPB’s factsheet which outlines your obligation to the ATO and us (as tax practitioner), and our obligations to you, the TPB and ATO.
Our Brisbane firm provides Tax Agent and BAS Agent Services through P.A Camenzuli & Others. The services we will provide to you are outlined within our engagement letter. As a Tax Agent / BAS Agent, our work for you is performed in accordance with the Tax Agent Services Act 2009. Under this Act, the Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024 requires that we make the following disclosures to you:
Complaints process for taxation services
If you have a complaint about our Tax or BAS Agent services, we encourage you to lodge a complaint (either in writing, online, via email, phone call or in person) with either your engagement partner or manager, or the Complaints Officer. The Complaints Officer is the Chief Operating Officer of Pitcher Partners Brisbane.
To access the complaints process for taxation services, please click on the following link.
If you do not get a satisfactory outcome from Pitcher Partners, you may lodge a complaint directly with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) (being the national body responsible for the registration and regulation of Tax Agents and BAS Agents). To lodge a complaint with the TPB you will need to access the online complaints form located at
Tax or BAS Agent Register
If you wish to conduct a search of our Tax or BAS Agents, the Tax Practitioner’s Board maintains a register of Tax Agents and BAS Agents. You can access and search this register here:
Your obligations to the ATO, and your tax practitioner’s obligations to you
Please see the TPB’s factsheet which outlines your obligation to the ATO and us (as tax practitioner), and our obligations to you, the TPB and ATO.
Our Melbourne firm provides Tax Agent and BAS Agent Services predominantly through Pitcher Partners Advisors Proprietary Limited, or in limited circumstances, through Pitcher Partners. The services we will provide to you are outlined within our engagement letter. As a Tax Agent / BAS Agent, our work for you is performed in accordance with the Tax Agent Services Act 2009. Under this Act, the Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024 requires that we make the following disclosures to you:
Complaints process for taxation services
If you have a complaint about our Tax or BAS Agent services, we encourage you to lodge a complaint (either in writing, online, via email, phone call or in person) with either your engagement partner or manager, or the Complaints Officer. The Complaints Officer is the Chief Risk and Compliance Officer.
To access the complaints process for taxation services, please click on the following link.
If you do not get a satisfactory outcome from Pitcher Partners, you may lodge a complaint directly with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) (being the national body responsible for the registration and regulation of Tax Agents and BAS Agents). To lodge a complaint with the TPB you will need to access the online complaints form located at
Tax or BAS Agent Register
If you wish to conduct a search of our Tax or BAS Agents, the Tax Practitioner’s Board maintains a register of Tax Agents and BAS Agents. You can access and search this register here:
Your obligations to the ATO, and your tax practitioner’s obligations to you
Please see the TPB’s factsheet which outlines your obligation to the ATO and us (as tax practitioner), and our obligations to you, the TPB and ATO.
Our Newcastle and Hunter firm provides Tax Agent and BAS Agent Services through Pitcher Partners Newcastle & Hunter Pty Ltd. The services we will provide to you are outlined within our engagement letter. As a Tax Agent / BAS Agent, our work for you is performed in accordance with the Tax Agent Services Act 2009. Under this Act, the Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024 requires that we make the following disclosures to you:
Complaints process for taxation services
If you have a complaint about our Tax or BAS Agent services, we encourage you to lodge a complaint (either in writing, online, via email, phone call or in person) with either your engagement partner or manager, or the Complaints Officer. The Complaints Officer is the Operations Manager.
To access the complaints process for taxation services, please click on the following link.
If you do not get a satisfactory outcome from Pitcher Partners, you may lodge a complaint directly with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) (being the national body responsible for the registration and regulation of Tax Agents and BAS Agents). To lodge a complaint with the TPB you will need to access the online complaints form located at
Tax or BAS Agent Register
If you wish to conduct a search of our Tax or BAS Agents, the Tax Practitioner’s Board maintains a register of Tax Agents and BAS Agents. You can access and search this register here:
Your obligations to the ATO, and your tax practitioner’s obligations to you
Please see the TPB’s factsheet which outlines your obligation to the ATO and us (as tax practitioner), and our obligations to you, the TPB and ATO.
Our Perth firm provides Tax Agent and BAS Agent Services through Pitcher Partners Accountants & Advisors WA Pty Ltd. The services we will provide to you are outlined within our engagement letter. As a Tax Agent / BAS Agent, our work for you is performed in accordance with the Tax Agent Services Act 2009. Under this Act, the Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024 requires that we make the following disclosures to you:
Complaints process for taxation services
If you have a complaint about our Tax or BAS Agent services, we encourage you to lodge a complaint (either in writing, online, via email, phone call or in person) with either your engagement partner or manager, or the Complaints Officer. The Complaints Officer is the Managing Director of Pitcher Partners Perth.
To access the complaints process for taxation services, please click on the following link.
If you do not get a satisfactory outcome from Pitcher Partners, you may lodge a complaint directly with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) (being the national body responsible for the registration and regulation of Tax Agents and BAS Agents). To lodge a complaint with the TPB you will need to access the online complaints form located at
Tax or BAS Agent Register
If you wish to conduct a search of our Tax or BAS Agents, the Tax Practitioner’s Board maintains a register of Tax Agents and BAS Agents. You can access and search this register here:
Your obligations to the ATO, and your tax practitioner’s obligations to you
Please see the TPB’s factsheet which outlines your obligation to the ATO and us (as tax practitioner), and our obligations to you, the TPB and ATO.
Our Sydney firm provides Tax Agent and BAS Agent Services through PPNSW Services Pty Limited. The services we will provide to you are outlined within our engagement letter. As a Tax Agent / BAS Agent, our work for you is performed in accordance with the Tax Agent Services Act 2009. Under this Act, the Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024 requires that we make the following disclosures to you:
Complaints process for taxation services
If you wish to make a complaint about our Tax or BAS Agent services we have provided, we are committed to responding to your complaint promptly, fairly and effectively. We encourage you to lodge a complaint (either in writing, online, via email, phone call or in person) with your engagement partner or manager.
Our dispute resolution provisions can be found in our Terms and Conditions attached to engagement letters issued to you.
If you do not get a satisfactory outcome from Pitcher Partners Sydney, you may lodge a complaint directly with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) (being the national body responsible for the registration and regulation of Tax Agents and BAS Agents). To lodge a complaint with the TPB you will need to access the online complaints form located at Please note that fee disputes will not be investigated by the TPB unless the dispute is associated with inappropriate conduct by the Tax or BAS Agent.
Tax and BAS Agent Register
If you wish to conduct a search of our Tax or BAS Agents, the Tax Practitioner’s Board maintains a register of Tax Agents and BAS Agents. You can access and search this register here:
Your obligations to the ATO, and your tax practitioner’s obligations to you
Please see the TPB’s factsheet which outlines your obligation to the ATO and us (as tax practitioner), and our obligations to you, the TPB and ATO.
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