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Personal lending

Helping you navigate the complex process of lending and determine the best lender and product to suit your requirements.
Making the lending process easy

Australia’s banking and finance landscape has changed significantly over the last twenty years. The process of lending, particularly with regard to regulated home loans, has become increasingly complex as banks are much more detailed in their analysis and information requirements.

When considering your lending options, seeking professional advice from a trusted broker can help to ease the difficulty of the lending process and provide clarity and guidance on the best lender and product to suit your circumstances.

Understanding your lending capacity

It’s important to understand your borrowing capacity from two angles: How much deposit or security is required and how much the bank will offer you. Our experienced advisors can help you properly assess your lending capacity and calculate the amount you’re likely to get approved.

We will guide you through the entire loan process, from selecting the most appropriate lender for your loan application to ensuring your finance is approved and settled as per your requirements or contractual obligations. After settlement, we will maintain a close relationship with you and conduct annual reviews to ensure your finance remains competitive.

Who can benefit from personal lending advice?
  • First home buyers 
  • PAYG or self-employed individuals 
  • Self-funded retirees or SMSF 
  • Mum-and-dad investors 
  • Professional property investors 
  • SME businesses 
Get the best deal

Whether it be driving down rates, setting up loans in the correct entities or splitting loans, our advisors will work with you to ensure you achieve the best deal for:

  • Home loans
  • Asset loans
  • Refinancing existing loans
  • Restructuring loans
  • Asset finance
  • SMSF lending
  • Staff home loans
  • Partner home loans

Lend with confidence

Pitcher Partners trusted brokers have been helping clients to achieve positive financial outcomes for decades. Our industry knowledge and expertise is invaluable when determining the most appropriate lending options and providers for our clients. Given our strong distribution power, we often achieve a better financial outcome for our clients via lower interest rates.

We are committed to providing our clients with choice and transparency. With our personable and collaborative approach, we educate and guide our clients to feel confident in their financial decisions.

Our experts

Jason Fallscheer

Jason Fallscheer

Client Director


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Leon Mok

Leon Mok

Managing Director


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John Fisher

John Fisher

Director, Lending Services


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