Responsible investment
Pitcher Partners Investment Services Melbourne (PPISM) has joined the Responsible Investment Association of Australasia (RIAA) as a member and is proud to become one of the first financial advisory groups to achieve certification from RIAA.
RIAA is a leading organisation promoting responsible investment and training for financial services firms. Many of our Melbourne advisors have already achieved individual certification from RIAA, which requires training, knowledge, and experience in advising clients about responsible investing.

There has been a surge in investor interest and capital flowing into responsible investment in recent years because of regulatory changes and an expectation that environment, social and governance (ESG) factors will have positive impacts on financial outcomes. Subsequently, more products have been created for investing in products that promise better outcomes in sustainability, climate change, social impact, and other areas.

Dedicated to improvement
PPISM has developed a Responsible Investment Charter outlining processes and procedures when offering responsible investment products to clients.
We have improved how we analyse the data on responsible investment to avoid ‘greenwashing’ cases, where financial products take advantage of the hype around responsible investment without adhering to best practices. The rise in responsible investing has seen numerous cases of greenwashing, and we ensure any claims made about responsible behaviour is adhered to in the products.
We have established approval ratings for the products we recommend to clients, further increased our transparency with our proprietary R.I. reporting service, and undertaken internal reviews of our client-approved product list and significantly added to it with market-leading and unique investment products.
The PPISM team has also undertaken training so we are informed about the trends and facts within responsible investing. The team are committed to ensuring the highest of standards within responsible investing for our clients.
Pitcher Partners Investment Services Melbourne has been certified by the Responsible Investment Association Australasia according to the strict operational and disclosure practices required under the Responsible Investment Certification Program.
See for details.1
1. The Responsible Investment Certification Program does not constitute financial product advice. Neither the Certification Symbol nor RIAA recommends to any person that any financial product is a suitable investment or that returns are guaranteed. Appropriate professional advice should be sought prior to making an investment decision. RIAA does not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence.
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