Corporate overview
Pitcher Partners is an association of independent accounting and business advisory firms located in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Newcastle and Hunter, Perth and Sydney. We have a strong reputation for providing personal service and quality commercial advice to our clients across a broad range of industries.

Pitcher Partners has the resources and depth of expertise of a major firm, but with a boutique firm feel. We give our clients the highest level of personal service and attention. That’s our difference.
We specialise in working with high net worth individuals and middle market businesses in Australia, including privately owned, foreign controlled, government owned and not-for-profits. Our clients require high technical standards, matched with a personal understanding and involvement in their affairs.
140+ partners
Leadership and client care1,300+ people
Making Business Personal6 independent member firms
National representationEach Pitcher Partners firm is also an independent member of Baker Tilly International, one of the world’s leading networks of independently owned and managed accountancy and business advisory firms. Our strong relationship with other Baker Tilly International member firms has allowed us to open many doors across borders for our clients.

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