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Brisbane Investment News – July 2024

Brisbane Investment News – July 2024

Pitcher Partners Wealth Management (Brisbane) | The information in these articles is current as at 18 July 2024.

Welcome to our Investment news – July 2024

Investment Markets in Review – Q2 2024

Despite a choppy start to the quarter, many financial markets quickly repriced back into the ‘no-recession soft landing’ scenario in the US.

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Industrial property – the quiet achiever

Post the dramatic events of the Covid experience, industrial property has stood out from a return perspective versus its higher profile peers of retail, office and residential.

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The importance of rebalancing your portfolio

In this article, we explore how routine portfolio rebalancing can enhance long-term annualised performance and reduce overall volatility.

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Global Private Credit: A Growing Investment Opportunity

As global markets continue to evolve, private debt has emerged as a fast-growing asset class despite some recent high-profile challenges.

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Mark Nicholson



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