Merger and acquisition (M&A) activity was more subdued in 2022 following the frenzy of activity in 2021.
Despite the challenging conditions, dealmakers remain upbeat about Australia’s overall deal prospects and mid-market opportunities in the year ahead.
How do we know? Together with Mergermarket, we canvassed the opinions of 60 domestic and international M&A dealmakers and analysed their responses, in our released 2023 report.
In this webinar, Andy Hough and Vinod Parasuraman from our Corporate Finance team take you through some of the key findings and our predictions for the year ahead with a particular focus on:
- The impact of rising interest rates and inflation
- Valuations – the narrowing of the gap between sellers and buyers
- Deal timelines and due diligence considerations
- How Australia fairs in comparison to the broader Asia Pacific region
- The increasing relevance of ESG in dealmaking
- Winners and losers from a sector perspective
The information presented in this webinar was accurate at the time of recording, 28 February 2023.
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