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Deal Pulse: Queensland M&A 2022 mid-year update

Deal Pulse: Queensland M&A 2022 mid-year update

Pitcher Partners is pleased to present our Deal Pulse report on Queensland merger and acquisition (M&A) activity for H1 2022.

Despite rising interest rates and increased inflation, the 128 deals in the first half of 2022 (disclosed values $4.6bn) indicate that Queensland M&A has certainly not stopped!

Continued growth on 2021’s bumper volumes and values was always going to be challenging, but the 2022 year appears to be tracking towards the top quartile of long-term averages.

  • The most active sector in Queensland yet again was technology, media and telecommunications with 25 deals (value $513m)
  • Business Services have had a busy first half of the year with an impressive 16 deals, doubling on their 2021 H1 numbers with staffing solutions transactions leading the charge and reflecting the current labour market challenges.
  • Transportation also returned to favour up 62% on the three-year average to seven deals, with the largest deal concerning Qantas acquiring the remaining stake in Australian-based operator Aviation Services for $808m

Queensland dealmakers, along with consumers, have indeed been making the most of opportunities. We anticipate steady growth across the rest of the year in these key sectors.

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