Welcome to our latest Wealth Management Update.
This edition covers the following topics:
Banking reporting season update
Take a look at the H1FY22 financial results for the four Australian banking majors, along with an overview and our commentary on these results. We delve into net interest margins, cash earnings, operating expenses, return on equity, capital ratios and dividends.
International shares reporting season update
This reporting season update looks at the international share portfolio for this quarter, with key points on each business, plus detailed comments written by the Pitcher Partners Sydney Wealth Management team.
Russia-Ukraine conflict update
The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been ongoing since 24 February 2022 and is contributing meaningfully to both global and domestic inflation. Australia has not been immune to these global events, leaving us susceptible to global market pricing. This article centres on a discussion regarding the current updates on the base case, an evaluation of the implications and our comments on the situation.
Investment interest rate hikes
Investors have enjoyed low interest rates across the last few years, but now the cost of money is turning skywards. Whether your investments are part of your retirement plan or for funding a project, don’t let your goals be blinded by the rise of interest rates. Read on to find out some tips for tweaking your strategy on your investment plans.
You can read the full report here.