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Expatriate and residency tax

Internationally mobile individuals and their family members must effectively manage their tax residency status and associated implications to ensure proper compliance wherever they are in the world.
A world of difference

Tax rules for internationally mobile individuals, their family members and associated structures can be complex. Our international tax specialists can help you navigate these challenges with confidence, ensuring that you and your family are properly prepared for potential tax implications as you move around the world. 

Effective international tax planning extends well beyond the determination of taxable income. It includes the proper management of tax residency status and related compliance obligations, a consideration of the impact on associated companies, trusts and superannuation funds, as well as regular monitoring and updating of estate planning arrangements. It also involves managing disputes with revenue authorities.

Helping you go global

We help our clients by not only understanding the complex Australian tax landscape but, perhaps more importantly, the way in which Australia’s international tax rules interact with rules and regulations outside of Australia.

With a comprehensive global approach, our clients can leverage our strong personal relationships with advisors across the world, particularly within our Baker Tilly International network, to manage their global tax obligations seamlessly.

When should you seek international tax advice?
Moving overseas

Our advisors can assist with:

  • Determining the timing of change in tax residency
  • Consideration of potential liabilities associated with ceasing residency
  • Consideration of the impact on tax concessions when ceasing residency
  • Consideration of the flow on effect of change in residency for associated persons or structures
  • Compliance obligations in Australia and overseas
  • Tax and estate planning
Moving to Australia from overseas

Our advisors can assist with:

  • Determining the timing of change in tax residency
  • Consideration of how your move will impact Australian tax liabilities or compliance obligations
  • Consideration of the flow on effect of change in residency for associated persons or structures
  • Tax and estate planning
Family members moving to another country

Our advisors can assist with:

  • Understanding how the move could impact family entities, compliance obligations and estate planning
  • Consideration of appropriate planning options
Revenue authority reviews

Our advisors can assist with:

  • Engaging with revenue authorities in Australia overseas
  • Advocating and making appropriate disclosures on your behalf, which may help with a reduction in penalties and interest charges
A world of solutions

Our experienced international tax team can provide:

  • Expert and specific international tax advice
  • Compliance support 
  • Assistance with adjusting family structures to cater for global movement of family members 
  • Liaison with revenue authorities on your behalf, including responding to reviews and undertaking voluntary disclosures 
  • Introductions to key people in overseas jurisdictions who can help with tax, accounting, legal and other commercial matters essential to cross-border business

Our experts

Andrew Beitz

Andrew Beitz



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Tom Splatt

Tom Splatt



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Denise Honey

Denise Honey



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Michael Minter

Michael Minter

Managing Partner

Newcastle and Hunter

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Leon Mok

Leon Mok

Managing Director


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Alison Wood

Alison Wood



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