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Lending services

Providing businesses and commercial clients with trusted advice on lending options and financing structures.
The changing landscape of lending

Over the last two decades, Australia’s banking and finance landscape has changed dramatically. While the Big Four banks once provided the majority of financing, the sector has significantly expanded and numerous other banks and alternative funders have entered the market.

Not only has this generated healthy competition within the industry, but it has also created the opportunity to ensure your business’ funding is appropriately structured for long-term financial stability.

Finding the right funding

It is becoming increasingly common for business owners and commercial clients to leverage the expertise of a trusted advisor outside of their usual bank when considering their financing and lending options. At Pitcher Partners, we help our clients to determine the most appropriate lenders and products for their objectives, while also allowing them to outsource a lot of the time-consuming application process so they can get back to focusing on their business.

We guide our clients through the entire transaction, from navigating complex lending advice to ensuring finance is approved and settled as per their requirements or contractual obligations. After settlement, we continue to maintain a close relationship with our clients and conduct annual reviews to ensure their finance remains competitive.

Who can benefit from expert lending advice?

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Business owners

Advice on the most appropriate lenders and products
Pitcher Partners |

Corporate clients

Advice on lending options and financing structures
Pitcher Partners |

Commercial SMSF

Assistance with establishing the most appropriate financial structures
Pitcher Partners |

Commercial property investors

Advice on commercial lending and development funding
The best lending options for your business

Our expert advisors source the best funding solutions from the most reputable lenders, assisting you with:

  • Commercial property lending
  • Acquisition funding
  • Development funding
  • Cash-flow lending
  • SMSF lending
  • Working capital
  • Asset finance and lease limits
  • Business tenders
Trust through transparency

At Pitcher Partners, our team of trusted brokers are dedicated to providing our clients with well-considered choices and transparency. Our comprehensive industry knowledge and expertise serves as an invaluable guide for our clients when selecting the most appropriate lenders and products to suit their unique financial objectives.

While most brokers have limitations or gaps in their offering, we have the experience and contacts to complete all of our clients’ finance requirements. Due to our strong distribution power, we often achieve a better financial outcome for our clients and can consistently deliver solutions that align with their best interests.

Our experts

Andrew Clugston

Andrew Clugston



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John Fisher

John Fisher

Director, Lending Services


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Leon Mok

Leon Mok

Managing Director


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