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Dean Love

Dean Love

Partner, Melbourne

Dean specialises in accounting and business advisory, working with privately owned businesses as well as high net worth individuals and their families. He offers astute commercial and strategic advice across all aspects of business and family groups.

Dean makes it his mission to ensure clients feel supported in the decisions they make, and the direction they take their business, by helping them understand the tax, accounting and structural implications of their choices. He has a flair for taking complex issues and playing them back to clients in an accessible way that empowers them in their decision-making.

With a collaborative working style, Dean is talented at leveraging additional expertise and insight where required, and helping guide business owners, CFOs and individuals through issues with specialist advisors. He aims to create longstanding client relationships that are rooted in trust and backed by the confidence that he is driven to achieve practical but technically correct solutions to their business matters.

Dean joined the Pitcher Partners audit team in 2006 after working for a Big 4 firm and in industry. He soon found that his passion for working closely with business owners and honing in on business issues and opportunities was a great fit for the business advisory work he undertakes today.

Dean was admitted to the Melbourne partnership in 2015, and appreciates the greater insight he now has into business operations, which has deepened his ability to relate and respond to a client’s challenges.

Memberships and qualifications

  • Bachelor of Commerce Accountancy (Deakin University)
  • Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA)
  • Graduate Certificate (Pitcher Partners Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation)

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